Our Projects


“I’ve seen a lot of tools…” with Laddie Guy Shane of Roosevelt Strategy Group

“I’ve seen a lot of tools…” with Laddie Guy Shane of Roosevelt Strategy Group

Anatomy of a Zoning Case Pt. 2: Building an effective neighborhood outreach campaign.

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Why every project needs alignment between their zoning attorney and civil engineer…with Darrell Wilson of Colliers Engineering & Design.

Why every project needs alignment between their zoning attorney and civil engineer…with Darrell Wilson of Colliers Engineering & Design.

Find out why getting your zoning attorney and civil engineer on the same page is a game-changer for any project. We’re breaking down how teamwork between these pros can save

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If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else

If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else

Anatomy of a zoning case Part 1: Don’t sleep on the pre-filing strategy.

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Making News with Greg Barr, Editor, Phoenix Business Journal

Making News with Greg Barr, Editor, Phoenix Business Journal

Making news is our jam, and the Phoenix Business Journal is your insider’s guide to the world of development. Join us as we navigate the crossroads of land deals and

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“You don’t get to pick where you are born, but you get to pick where you die.”

“You don’t get to pick where you are born, but you get to pick where you die.”

From band camp to development junkie…with Jason Larson of IDM Companies. How a random encounter at Disneyland led to an unexpected and successful career in land development.

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Titans of the Trade: John Graham

Titans of the Trade: John Graham

It’s hard to think of anyone who has made a more distinctive mark on land use development and master planning in Arizona than John Graham. From the creation of Valley

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The ability to give the elected official a soft place to land

The ability to give the elected official a soft place to land

Insight and perspective from an excellent civil servant – former Mayor, business executive and state leader – Jenn Daniels.

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As Heard In The Legislature” with Tom Dorn

As Heard In The Legislature” with Tom Dorn

2024 legislative update on housing bills, resignations, and Adam messes up another word…again!

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The Buzzkill of zoning and land development…with Dawn Cartier and Sarah Simpson.

The Buzzkill of zoning and land development…with Dawn Cartier and Sarah Simpson.

Why does it feel like every good development project gets stalled by city traffic departments? Don’t let your projects get backed up. If you want approvals, you need to hire

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What Do On Cloud Shoes, Spec Industrial, And Data Centers Have in Common?

What Do On Cloud Shoes, Spec Industrial, And Data Centers Have in Common?

Digital streaming, online computing, and AI technology have dramatically changed the way we store data and design modern industrial buildings. Jackie Orcutt from CBRE shares how it has changed her

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The mindset of running our cities like businesses.

The mindset of running our cities like businesses.

Two of our favorite City Managers – Patrick Banger and Kevin Phelps – share why Glendale and Gilbert are some of our favorite places to develop.

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Entitled? Think twice.

Entitled? Think twice.

What should you do when your use is allowed and the municipality doesn’t want it? A huge mistake is assuming the zoning clears the path to develop. Even when zoned,

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2023 Market Naughty and Nice List

2023 Market Naughty and Nice List

We found some surprising nuggets sitting down with Connor Devereux of CoStar Group in recapping the 2023 year and development sector trends.

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Two Lumps of Coal and Other Laughs From 2023

Two Lumps of Coal and Other Laughs From 2023

Looking back on some of the highlights (and absurdities) from the World of Zoning in 2023, along with Santa’s zoning wish list for 2024.

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Minimal Living Concepts with Maximum Potential

Minimal Living Concepts with Maximum Potential

Could Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) be the key to solving Arizona’s housing shortage? Jared Amzallag and Zander Diamont of Minimal Living Concepts discuss their challenge-laden journey to build simple, modern

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From Skymall to ZenniHome with Bob Worsley

From Skymall to ZenniHome with Bob Worsley

How a serial entrepreneur is tackling housing scarcity in a different, sustainable way.

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Industrial State of the Union

Industrial State of the Union

No market segment has performed better than industrial development in Phoenix in recent years. The market is shattering absorption records and attracting major manufacturing, tech and semiconductor users. Changes in

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Let’s Get Fiscal: The Intersection of Financing & Development

Let’s Get Fiscal: The Intersection of Financing & Development

What’s the point of great land use entitlements if you can’t secure the financing to make it all possible. Having a finance concierge is key to the effort, and precisely

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Will You Be My Banker?

Will You Be My Banker?

Securing project financing is just as important as securing the land use entitlements. Without it, you’ve got nothing. George Weisz and Neill LeCorgne from Scottsdale Community Bank give us a

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From Creating News to Covering News

From Creating News to Covering News

While our zoning case work creates headlines, reporting on it is better left to journalistic experts like Roland Murphy, AZBEX Digital Magazine. We hope you enjoy a different take on

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The Intersection of Land Use and Liquor Laws in Arizona

The Intersection of Land Use and Liquor Laws in Arizona

Liquor laws are often an afterthought when it comes to rezoning new property, but sophisticated developers know to tackle that issue early in their due diligence phase. This is precisely

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Blow Pops, free enterprise and housing for all!

Blow Pops, free enterprise and housing for all!

When former Senator Steve Kaiser proposed legislation to dramatically change zoning laws in 2022, it created huge shockwaves across Arizona towns and cities. A second attempt in 2023, created a

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12,000 Jumps A Day

12,000 Jumps A Day

Development might seem repetitive, like jumping a rope, but there are plenty of areas where you can get tripped up. Recessions, raising equity, obtaining entitlements, securing financing, etc. can all

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Bonus Episode – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CEPTD)

Bonus Episode – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CEPTD)

Among the factors to consider in creating a site plan, one that is often overlooked is crime prevention and threat assessment. Listen as Shawn Prinkey from Prinkey Consulting shares how

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When Sean Connery Joins The Podcast

When Sean Connery Joins The Podcast

Not all sites are created equal and some require serious problem solving with local land use counsel. Scott Whittington from Avalon Development shares how he was once the office King

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A Dummies Guide to the Design Review Board With Korey Wilkes and Scott Thomas

A Dummies Guide to the Design Review Board With Korey Wilkes and Scott Thomas

The Design Review Board is a step in the entitlement process but it can be tricky to win over. Depending on the quality of the design, it can either be

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Depressive Shade of Grey

Depressive Shade of Grey

Experienced architects and engineers know better than to navigate zoning matters solo. Hear why David Bohn and Nicole Posten-Thompson utilize local zoning counsel early in their design efforts.

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“Two attorneys walk into a bar…” with Mark Tarbell

“Two attorneys walk into a bar…” with Mark Tarbell

2022 was a banner year for Withey Morris Baugh and our favorite restaurant – Tarbell’s. Who better to recap it with than an Emmy Award winner, James Beard nominated, Paris-trained,

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Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

Quick Land Use Update with Ben Tate: Recapping new state law regarding Major General Plan Amendments and why you should talk to your land use attorney immediately.

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The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Mike Withey

The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Mike Withey

From pinstripe suits and cowboy boots, to Auto malls and State Land, few people have had more of an impact on local development than Mike Withey, Co-founding Partner of Withey

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The Second Coming . . . of Greg Vogel

The Second Coming . . . of Greg Vogel

The state of the residential land market, future projections, and why Arizona is well positioned for long term success.

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We’re Basically Famous

We’re Basically Famous

What does Elvis at Las Vegas, The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show and the Dirt to Development Podcast at the AZ American Planning Association have in common? History making,

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Prosopagnosia and the Database Man (Part 1)

Prosopagnosia and the Database Man (Part 1)

When Greg Vogel started with Coldwell Banker in the early 80’s, little did he know about the value of land databases.  In the 40 years since, he created Land Advisors

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Haboobs and the evolution of experiential retail development…with Chris Hake and Andy Call

Haboobs and the evolution of experiential retail development…with Chris Hake and Andy Call

Development has inherent risks which is why it is critical to be responsive to new trends and land use changes. Listen to our friends at Thompson Thrift talk about how

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How to destroy municipal zoning authority…and put zoning attorneys out of business, with Caleb Rhodes

How to destroy municipal zoning authority…and put zoning attorneys out of business, with Caleb Rhodes

In early 2022, Arizona municipalities and cities were shocked to learn about a proposed bill in the Arizona State Legislature that would drastically handcuff municipal zoning authority in order to

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Perry Mason, Harvey Specter, Ally McBeal and… Dan Dowd???

Perry Mason, Harvey Specter, Ally McBeal and… Dan Dowd???

If you can’t play an attorney on TV, at least you can be a great one in real life. In this episode we discuss how land use litigation can affect

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A Baker’s Man

A Baker’s Man

Finding the land deal can be tricky but negotiating the transaction can be more challenging given seller demands, title exceptions, and more. Dave Baker guides us through the real estate

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Kissing Frogs and Other Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Site Selection w/ Brett Hopper and Steve Backman

Kissing Frogs and Other Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Site Selection w/ Brett Hopper and Steve Backman

Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince. Land development and site selection is the same, except choosing a poor site can blow up your

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Top 10 Zoning Pitfalls to Avoid

Top 10 Zoning Pitfalls to Avoid

Rezoning land is like navigating a storm. One wrong turn and your entitlement case falls apart. Listen in to hear tips and tricks to help navigate your way to success

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MRAD: Masters in Really Awesome Development…(sorta) w/ Mark Stapp and Andrea Alley

MRAD: Masters in Really Awesome Development…(sorta) w/ Mark Stapp and Andrea Alley

When the Masters in Real Estate Development (MRED) program launched at ASU in 2006, few people could foresee the role it would play in development projects across Arizona. In the

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Joe Johnston: The Mastermind Behind Agritopia, Epicenter, Joe’s BBQ and More

Joe Johnston: The Mastermind Behind Agritopia, Epicenter, Joe’s BBQ and More

Agritopia is to planning what the Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s album is to music – a masterpiece. Joe Johnston’s accomplishments as a developer and entrepreneur include other successes like Epicenter, Coffee

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Michael Rumpeltin, Creative Genius and Adaptive Reuse King

Michael Rumpeltin, Creative Genius and Adaptive Reuse King

Michael Rumpeltin is the design brains behind notable projects like The Yard, Joyride Taco, Stock and Stable, Postino Highland and more. Hear how he makes unique spaces work with adaptive

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Zoning Interpretations and Other “Letters to Mom” With Kevin Mayo and Tricia Gomes

Zoning Interpretations and Other “Letters to Mom” With Kevin Mayo and Tricia Gomes

The Zoning Ordinance includes uses and development standards governing property development, but what happens when land uses don’t fit neatly into a specific zoning district? Or when a site plan

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The Batman and Robin of Economic Development with Brian Friedman and Randy Huggins

The Batman and Robin of Economic Development with Brian Friedman and Randy Huggins

The City of Glendale is seeing tremendous success with new developments along the 101 and 303 Freeways, and the tip of the spear is the City’s Economic Development Department. Check

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There is no replacement for proper(ty) due diligence with Stephanie Watney and George Pasquel

There is no replacement for proper(ty) due diligence with Stephanie Watney and George Pasquel

Smart developers know the value of a good due diligence effort, which should only be done by local experts who know where the bodies are buried inside the city’s zoning

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“Mary, Queen of N. Central” with Mary Crozier

“Mary, Queen of N. Central” with Mary Crozier

The North Central Phoenix Homeowners Association is no pushover, and rightfully so. They’ve worked hard to set high standards and encourage good development. But not all cases are easily won

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Even the Death Star needs a Planning Director with Alan Stephenson and Randy Grant

Even the Death Star needs a Planning Director with Alan Stephenson and Randy Grant

The city planning department is more than just an episode of “Parks and Recreation.” (But we sure would love to see Leslie Knope at the Planning Commission.) As the Director

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Amending the General Plan is Not Rewriting the Bible w/ Ben Tate

Amending the General Plan is Not Rewriting the Bible w/ Ben Tate

If the General Plan were viewed as an atlas map, and a zoning map like a street map, then zoning attorneys would be Google Maps. In this episode we provide

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Lessons Learned From the Dais: Volunteer Commissions & Boards With Jimmy Lindblom and Jessica Sarkissian

Lessons Learned From the Dais: Volunteer Commissions & Boards With Jimmy Lindblom and Jessica Sarkissian

Serving on municipal boards and commissions is a thankless job. Nobody pays you, it’s inconvenient and almost every decision makes another person upset. So why do it? We’ve got some

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Zoning & Politics: A kick in the ball(ot box) – with Gibson Mackay

Zoning & Politics: A kick in the ball(ot box) – with Gibson Mackay

Tribal politics is so 2020, yet we’ve been dealing with politics and land use since the Xerox machine. Zoning is at the intersection of politics and land use, and as a

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